2) Always hold open a door for ladies, people with their hands full and me...of course.
3) Prayer is THE necessity.
4) Read for pleasure. Read for pain. Read for escapism. Just READ!
5) The Godfather trilogy must be watched annually and the life-lessons contained therein are to be valued. Chief of which is to never go alone in a fishing boat into the middle of huge lake with a hitman, especially after you've tried to kill your brother...who - coincidentally - is the boss of said hitman. #youbrokemyheartFredo.
6) When driving always look for the seam. If you have to hit your breaks for anything other than an accident or a red light, you have failed.
7) There is more to Nascar than 'Speed up, turn left. Speed up, turn left'...I just don't know what it is.
9) A firm handshake, solid eye-contact, and repeating the name of the person you just met will do more for a first impression that whatever you are wearing at the time.
10) Should you ever enter an enclosed space with FAU Prof Simon Glynn PhD, say that you do not know me and that your last name is just a horrible coincidence and perhaps he will let you live...perhaps.
11) Should you ever enter an enclosed space with Mike Keenan and Mike Yormark, kick them both in the kneecaps and say it is from me (and the rest of the Panther nation).
12) The best food/drink combo to watch any game with is your Mom's chicken nachos and coke with lime.
13) Your Mom is always right...even when she's
14) College basketball is the game at its finest. The NBA is a joke.
15) There is nothing wrong with walking away from a fight, as long as you've left the other person unconscious.
16) Do not take yourself so seriously that no one else will.
17) 'Politics' is not a dirty word, but 'Politician' is.
18) Proper grammar, spelling and punctuation are priceless. Nothing screams 'I'm a moron' louder than: 'your welcom', 'I lik it two', 'there boat iz sweet!', 'UR awsum', or my personal favorite, 'U need 2 C there nu hows its sik'. #likenailsonachalkboard
19) Authors to appreciate: Cormac McCarthy, Ursula K. Le Guin, J.K. Rowling, David McCullough, Kurt Vonnegut, Dave Barry and Ray Bradbury.
20) Literature/Novels to love: 'Starship Troopers' - Robert Heinlein, 'The Lottery' - Shirley Jackson, 'Ender's Game' - Orson Scott Card, 'Slaughterhouse 5' - Kurt Vonnegut, 'The Goblet of Fire' - J.K. Rowling, 'Young Goodman Brown' - Nathaniel Hawthorne, 'The Things They Carried' - Tim O'Brien, 'The Raven' - Edgar Allan Poe, 'A Canticle for Leibowitz' - Walter M. Miller Jr., 'The Count of Monte Cristo' - Alexandre Dumas, 'Blood Meridian' and 'The Road' - Cormac McCarthy, 'Blackhawk Down' - Mark Bowden, 'Heart of Darkness' - Joseph Conrad, and basically anything by Ray Bradbury.
21) Movies to enjoy: Amadeus, The Prestige, Band of Brothers, Patton, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, Fantasia, Master and Commander, Casablanca, Eastern Promises, Open Range, Gladiator, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Napoleon Dynamite, Unforgiven, The Untouchables, Forrest Gump, and the first 20 minutes of Full Metal Jacket.
22) Bands to follow: Weezer, Jimmy Eat World, Denison Marrs, AFI, Coldplay, Plankeye, and The Smashing Pumpkins.
23) Albums to own: 'Kind of Blue' - Miles Davis, 'Pinkerton' and 'The Blue Album' - Weezer, 'Siamese Dream' - Smashing Pumpkins, 'Holding Hands @ 35,000 ft' - Denison Marrs, 'Time Out' - Dave Brubeck, 'X&Y' - Coldplay, 'Invented' - Jimmy Eat World, 'Commonwealth' and 'The Spark' - Plankeye, 'Beneath Medicine Tree' - Copeland, 'Sing the Sorrow' - AFI, and '3eB' - Third Eye Blind.
23) Sports teams to CHEER!: Miami Dolphins, Florida Panthers, Florida Marlins, Fulham FC (soccer), FSU football, UNC basketball, USA Men's National Soccer Team, Rory McIlroy, and whoever drives the National Guard car.
24) Sports teams to BOO!: New England Patriots, New York Jets, every NBA team (except maybe Miami), Florida Gators, Miami Hurricanes, New Jersey Devils (YOU ALMOST KILLED THE GAME!!), and Tiger Woods (I hated on him before anyone else did).
25) Do not - under any circumstances - spit into the wind.
What I'm reading now:
You Can Change - Tim Chester (devotional)
Think - John Piper
How to Read and Why - Harold Bloom