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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

13th Post: Observations and Prognostications

Greetings Bloggy Wog reader-ship (AKA: Mom). I have returned from my longer-than-expected minor hiatus to make a few observations (prognostications?) gleaned on this joyous voyage into parenthood.

1) For my son, diapers are merely for decoration. The score stands at Diapers: 3 My shirt (and the shirts/blouses of others) 23,412.

2) For my son, sleeping at night is so foreign a concept, I may as well be asking him to solve the US debt crisis...with an abacus.

3) For my son, bath time is not just simply a wonderful chance to pee on daddy, it's a chance to pee on daddy while looking so sweet and cute that Daddy doesn't even mind it. I fear this strategy (in varying forms, I hope) will carry over into his older years.

4) For my son, a running vacuum works as a lullaby. Therefore my son is destined to be a future ROCK STAR!!!!

5) For my son, a mirror offers hours of endless wonder. Therefore my son is destined to be a future MALE MODEL!!!!

6) For my son, a rotating ceiling fan is a wonder to behold. Therefore my son is destined to be a future PILOT!!!!

7) For my son, being thumped on the back for ten minutes straight is enjoyable. Therefore my son is destined to be a future MAJOR SUCCESS!!!

8) For my son, holding onto a finger and shaking it is a must.Therefore my son is destined to be a future POLITICIAN!!!!

9) Oh son could be a future politician.

10) Well, for your information, my son would make an excellent politician thankyouverymuch and anyone who says otherwise will also get thumped on the back for ten minutes straight...with a dump truck.


What I'm reading now:
Our Man in Havana - Graham Greene
The Guns of August - Barbara W. Tuchman

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